Our Fellows are well-known experts from all over the world, including Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Fields Medal, Wolf Prize Laureates and Academicians.
1) The primary criteria for election are excellence in the domain and a proved record of continued accomplishment.
2) The election process starts with nominations rooted in a review process starting with the sections and then the entire membership.
3) IETI Fellows receive a call for nominations in an annual basis. Each candidate for membership must have two nominators who are already Fellows.
4) The EC Members are responsible for reviewing and approving the slate of candidates recommended by the Fellows for election.
2024 Announcement
Materials we need:
1) A statement of personal information, the candidate has contributed greatly to the advancement or applications of engineering and technology across different disciplines, bringing the realization of significant value to society.
2) A complete resume and short bio (less than 400 words). For example, the CV should include University Full Professorship (permanent and full-time for at least two years), senior positions in prestigious international societies, and publications in leading international journals;
3) Future plan and support for IETI.
4) Two Letters of recommendation from IETI Fellows.
Nominations are invited for the 2024 year. The deadline for nominations is on September 30. Please send the nomination package by email to info#ieti.net. The awardee will be announced before December 31.
2023 Distinguished Fellows
2022 Distinguished Fellows
2021 Distinguished Fellows
2021 Honorary Distinguished Fellow
2020 Distinguished Fellows
2019 Distinguished Fellows
2018 Distinguished Fellows
2017 Distinguished Fellows
2016 Distinguished Fellows
2015 Inaugural Distinguished Fellows