Dr. Anna Maria Di Sciullo is Full Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Associate Professor in the Cognitive Computation Program at the University of Quebec in Montreal, she is a postdoctoral scholar from MIT and a visiting scientist at MIT and Harvard. She has been elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2000. Dr. Di Sciullo has directed major collaborative research projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and by the Fonds de recherche du Québec, has received research grants in excess of $8.5 Million and numerous research awards. Her contributions to theoretical linguistics, biolinguistics and computational linguistics are centered on asymmetry as a cornerstone of the Language Faculty and the interfaces with the external systems. Her works in theoretical linguistics are published by the MIT Press, Oxford University Press and John Benjamins. Her research results on the asymmetry of morphological relations led the way to biolinguistic investigations, relating language development, linguistic variation and principles reducing complexity. Her work in computational linguistics led to the formulation of the Asymmetry Recovering Parser, generating deterministic parses for linguistic expressions. She also developed a search engine sensitive to asymmetric relations, which has been used by the Government of Quebec to search and retrieve online legal information. Her work on the interface between the Language Faculty and mathematics led to the engineering of a sentiment mining system based on a compositional calculus applied on asymmetric relations. In 2004 she founded the Federation on Natural Language Processing, bringing together the main actors in the area of theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics and information technology, and in 2007 she founded the International Network on Biolinguistics, bridging biology, linguistics and bioinformatics.