1974-77 - B.S. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
1977-78 - M.S.E.E. Stanford University, Stanford, California
1978-79 - S.M. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1979-82 - Ph.D. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ph.D. Thesis: “Sample Path Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems”
Professional Experience
9/14 - present Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Distinguished Professor of Engineering
7/08 - present Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Head, Division of Systems Engineering, and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
11/14 - present Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Chair Professor, Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems, Department of Automation
1/97 - 6/08 Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Professor of Manufacturing Engineering, and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
9/93 - 12/97 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
9/89 - 8/93 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
2/84 - 8/89 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
9/82 - 1/84 ITP Boston, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Senior Systems Engineer.
6/79 - 9/82 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Research Assistant, Decision and Control Group, Division of Applied Sciences.
11/80 - 9/82 C.S. Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Participated in industrial automation projects as part of Ph.D. Thesis research.
Visiting Appointments
9/90 - 1/91 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Visiting Scholar (on sabbatical), Division of Applied Sciences.
3/93 - 7/93 Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Visiting Professor (on sabbatical).
9/03 - 10/03 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Visiting Professor (on sabbatical), Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems.
7/10 - 8/10 Unversidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Visiting Professor (on sabbatical).
2/84 - 6/87 ITP Boston, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Development of advanced software tools for computer integrated systems; capacity and production planning of manufacturing systems.
1/88 - present Network Dynamics, Inc., Natick, Massachusetts. Development of decision support systems for manufacturing systems and computer/communication networks.
9/99 - 11/03 Alphatech, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts. Modeling and decision support for command-control systems.
9/03 - 12/08 The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, Massachusetts. Development of discrete event simulation tools.
Research Interests
Analysis and control of discrete event and hybrid systems
Stochastic control and optimization
Distributed systems and cooperative control
Dynamic control of computer/communication and sensor networks
Performance analysis and production control of manufacturing systems
Computer simulation
Performance analysis and control of transportation systems
Smart Cities
2011 IEEE CSS Control Systems Technology Award
Distinguished Member Award, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2006
Harold Chestnut Prize (IFAC Best Control Engineering Textbook), 1999
IFAC Fellow, elected 2008
IEEE Fellow, elected 1996
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, 2001-2004
2014 Engineering Distinguished Scholar Award, Boston University
2014 IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge competition, 2nd prize(student team led by Theodora Brisimi)
2011 IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge competition, 2nd prize(student team led by Yanfeng Geng)
Zhu Kezhen Award, 2012
Kern Fellow, 2012
Lilly Fellow, 1991-92
Best Interactive Paper Award (with Chen Yao), 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009
Best Student Paper Award Finalist (Julia Fleck), 2014 Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
Best Student Paper Award Finalist (Yanfeng Geng), 2011 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
Poster Prize, Third place (with Yanfeng Geng), INFORMS 2011
Northeastern Conference
Honorary Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003
Honorary Professor, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2003
Best Session Paper Presentation Award, American Control Conf., 1988
National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award, 1985
Harvard University Fellowship, 1978-79
Summa Cum Laude Graduate, Yale University, 1977
Distinction in Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, 1977
Phi Beta Kappa, Yale University, 1977
Tau Beta Pi, Yale University, 1977
Yale University Scholarship, 1974-77
Scholastic Achievement Award of the Greek Ministry of Education, 1972, 1973