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IETI James Crabbe Award for Life and Environmental Sciences is to celebrate interdisciplinary work in engineering and/or technology that has made significant impact in Life and/or Environmental Sciences.

About M. James C. Crabbe:

Professor M. James C. Crabbe is President of IETI, and a Supernumerary Fellow and former Governing Body Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford University. An Emeritus Professor, he was formerly Professor of Protein Biochemistry and Head of School at the University of Reading, and Executive Dean of Creative Arts, Technologies & Science and Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bedfordshire. A Fellow and former Vice-President and Council Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology, much of his recent research is in the maritime environment and conservation area, particularly coral reefs and climate change. He is currently Senior Advisor to the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), Special Visiting Professor at Shanxi University, Honorary Professor at both Changchun University of Science & Technology and at Wuhan Business University, China. He has recently been appointed as a member of the Deep Sea Mining network of the U.K. Govt. Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs.

How to Become the Award Winner?
Eligibility: Nominees should be senior researchers with substantial achievements over their career in research, education, and service within Life and Environmental Sciences.
Submission Requirements: Nominees must submit a comprehensive resume, a concise biography of up to 400 words, and at least five representative research papers that showcase their significant contributions to the field.
Nomination Process: Candidates must be nominated by two senior researchers who can attest to the nominee's exemplary contributions and leadership in the field.
Selection: Each year, several individuals are honored with this award. Selection is based on their extraordinary contributions to the advancement of science, engineering, or technology. When candidates are equally qualified, the selection committee prioritizes those who best meet the award's standards.
We strongly emphasize that we give top priority to scholars who have contributed to our academic conferences (both online and onsite), activities, and journals. Those who have contributed to the development of our team are also highly valued.

Important Dates
For information on nomination deadlines, the selection process, and the announcement of awardees, please refer to our latest announcement. This ensures all participants and nominators are well-informed of the IETI James Crabbe Award for Life and Environmental Science's prestigious legacy and the critical timelines for submission.

2024 Announcement

Nominations are invited for the 2024 year. The deadline for nominations is on September 30 2024. Please send the nomination package by email to info#ieti.net. The awardee will be announced before December 31 2024.

Annual Scientific Award
Green Award
Ramesh Agarwal Award
James Crabbe Award
George Perry Award
Young Researcher Award
PhD Award
Best Paper Award