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Founders and Governance of IETI
IETI (International Engineering and Technology Institute) operates under a structured governance model to ensure the organization's strategic direction, operational efficiency, and academic excellence. The governance framework includes the Board of Presidents, Board of Governors, IETI Council, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Executive Committee, and Senior Management. This model facilitates collaboration among global experts to foster advancements in engineering and technology.

IETI President / President of IETI Board of Governors (June 2024 - July 2028)

IETI Vice President / Vice President of IETI Board of Governors (February 2022 to March 2026)

I. IETI Board of Governors

1.1 Members of IETI Board of Governors (June 2024 - )

1.2 Secretary-General of IETI / Secretary-General of IETI Board of Governors (June 2024 - July 2028)

1.3 Deputy Secretary-General of IETI / Deputy Secretary-General of IETI Board of Governors (June 2024 - July 2028)

II. IETI Council

2.1 President of IETI Council (June 2024 - July 2028)

2.2 Members of IETI Council (June 2024 - )

2.3 Secretary-General of IETI Council (June 2024 - July 2028)

2.4 Secretaries of IETI Council (June 2024 - July 2028)

III. IETI Board of Directors

3.1 President of IETI Board of Directors (June 2024 - July 2028)

3.2 Members of IETI Board of Directors

Please read: https://www.ieti.net/about/BoardofDirectors.aspx

3.3 Executive President of IETI Board of Directors (June 2024 - July 2028)

3.4 Vice President of IETI Board of Directors (June 2024 - July 2028)

3.5 Secretary-General of IETI Board of Directors (June 2024 - July 2028)

3.6 Executive Secretary-General of IETI Board of Directors (June 2024 - July 2028)

IV. IETI Board of Supervisors

4.1 President of IETI Board of Supervisors (June 2024 - July 2028)

4.2 Members of IETI Board of Supervisors

Please read: https://www.ieti.net/about/BoardofSupervisors.aspx

4.3 Executive President of IETI Board of Supervisors (June 2024 - July 2028)

4.4 Vice President of IETI Board of Supervisors (June 2024 - July 2028)

V. IETI Executive Committee

5.1 Chair of IETI Executive Committee

5.2 Members of IETI Executive Committee

Please read: https://www.ieti.net/about/ExecutiveCommittee.aspx

VI. IETI Senior Management Committee

Honorary Chairs of IETI Senior Management Committee and Emeritus Presidents and Advisors and Co-Founders and Distinguished Fellows of IETI

About IETI
Executive Committee
Board of Directors
Board of Supervisors
Founders and Governance