Dr. Tai-Yin Huang joined Penn State Lehigh Valley in 2002. She earned her doctoral degree in physics in 1997 from the University Of Cincinnati. She won an international postdoctoral fellowship from CRESS at York University in Canada between 1997 and 1999. She then joined Clemson University in 1999 as research associate and later received a CEDAR postdoctoral fellowship award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2001.
Since joining Penn State Lehigh Valley, she has had NSF awards and mentored many undergraduate students working on these federal funded projects. She was a 2009 Penn State Research Collaboration Fellow affiliated with the Penn State Institutes of Energy and Environment (PSIEE). She was a visiting professor of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan in 2009-2010, which was sponsored by the National Science Council of Taiwan. She received the Penn State Lehigh Valley Outstanding Research and/or Creative Accomplishment Award in 2010.
Dr. Huang is an editorial board member of a few open access online journals and she has served as a reviewer for scientific journals and proposal reviewer for NSF programs. Her latest endeavors involve LEDs and electrical energy released from lightning discharge. She is founder of Andromeda LED Lighting, LLC and owns several patents on LED. She has just recently been granted a patent "Energy Storage Device" from the United States Patent and Trademark Office in September 2016. She is founder of Integrated Energy Solutions for Entrepreneurs (IESE) at Penn State Lehigh Valley and has received micro grants from Penn State Lehigh Valley LaunchBox. Lehigh Valley LaunchBox is a signature program of the Invent Penn State initiative.
Dr. Huang's atmospheric research interests include gravity waves dynamics, airglow chemistry, and energetics in the MLT region, Lightning-Induced Transient Emissions (LITEs) of airglow, sprites and elves, global warming and climate change, specializing in analytical approach, numerical simulation, and data analysis.
Dr. Huang also conducts research in finding innovative solutions to address real world problems in the areas of green energy and LED lighting applications in horticulture and Li-Fi.