On January 17, 2025, the InternationalEngineering and Technology Institute (IETI) announced the list of newly electedfellows in 2024 after nomination, preliminary screening, evaluation, review,and final judgment and internal confirmation by the presidium
This list is led by Nobel laureates, FieldsMedal laureates, Wolf Prize laureates, and academicians from Asia, America, Africa,Europe, covering leaders of world-renowned universities and institutions, topprofessors, and expert scholars.
Among them, Laureate Distinguished Fellowsare awarded to leading professors in the industry who have won world-renownedawards (internationally renowned outstanding scientists); Distinguished Fellowsare awarded to senior professors at well-known universities (internationallyrenowned outstanding scientists); and Fellows are awarded to well-knownprofessors who have long been deeply engaged in a certain field(internationally renowned excellent scientists).
Laureate Distinguished Fellow of IETI(LDFIETI)
(Ranked in no particular order)
Mario Capecchi
University of Utah, USA
PhD: Harvard University, USA (1967)
Honor: Nobel Laureate in Physiology orMedicine in 2007
Katalin Karikó
University of Szeged, Hungary, Universityof Pennsylvania, USA, Former Senior Vice President of BioNTech
PhD: University of Szeged, Hungary (1982)
Honor: Nobel Laureate in Physiology orMedicine in 2023
Lions Pierre-Louis
Université ParisDauphine - PSL, France
PhD: Pierre and Marie Curie University(Université Paris VI), France (1979)
Honor: Fields Medal Laureate in 1994
Trudy Frances Charlene Mackay
Clemson University, USA
PhD: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK(1979)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2016
Susan Solomon
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
PhD: University of California, Berkeley,USA (1981)
Honor: Crafoord Prize Laureate inGeosciences in 2018
Roger Beachy
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
PhD: Michigan State University, USA (1973)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2001
Rien van Genuchten
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
PhD: New Mexico State University, USA(1975)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2023
Richard Zare
Stanford University, USA
PhD: Harvard University, USA (1964)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry in2005
Raphael Levine
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Universityof California, Los Angeles, USA
PhD: University of Nottingham, UK (1964)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry in1988
Partha Dasgupta
University of Cambridge, UK
PhD: University of Cambridge, UK (1968)
Honor: Tyler Prize Laureate forEnvironmental Achievement in 2016
Pamela Ronald
University of California, Davis, USA
PhD: University of California, Berkeley,USA (1990)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2022
Elizabeth Diller
Princeton University, Diller Scofidio +Renfro
Bachelor's Degree: The Cooper Union, USA(1979)
Honor: MacArthur Foundation FellowshipLaureate in 1999, Wolf Prize Laureate in Architecture in 2022
Kaushik Rajashekara
University of Houston, USA
PhD: Indian Institute of Science (1984)
Honor: Global Energy Prize Laureate in 2022
Joshua Jortner
Tel Aviv University, Israel
PhD: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel(1960)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry in1988
José-Alain Sahel
University of Pittsburgh, USA
PhD: University of Paris, France (1980)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate for Medicine in2024
John Pickett
Cardiff University, UK
PhD: University of Surrey, UK (1971)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2008
Jens B Nielsen
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
PhD: Technical University of Denmark (1989)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2017
Eduardo Souto de Moura
University of Porto, Portugal
PhD: Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal (Honorary Doctorate) (2011)
Honor: Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureatein 2011; Wolf Prize Laureate in Architecture in 2013
David Zilberman
University of California, Berkeley, USA
PhD: University of California, Berkeley,USA (1979)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2019
David Baulcombe
University of Cambridge, UK
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculturein 2010, Lasker Award Laureate in 2008
Dario Grana
University of Wyoming, USA
PhD: Stanford University, USA (2013)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2014
Helmut Schwarz
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
PhD: Technical University of Berlin,Germany (1972)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2015
Avelino Corma
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
PhD: Complutense University of Madrid,Spain (1976)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2010
Arthur J. Nozik
University of Colorado, USA
PhD: Yale University, USA (1967)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2008
Adrian R. Krainer
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
PhD: Harvard University, USA (1986)
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine in2021, Breakthrough Prize Laureate in Life Sciences in 2019
Graham Hutchings
Cardiff University, UK,
PhD: University College London, UK (1975)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2017
Thalappil Pradeep
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
PhD: Indian Institute of Science (1991)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2023
Stuart Pimm
Duke University, USA, and University ofPretoria, South Africa
PhD: New Mexico State University, USA(1974)
Honor: Tyler Prize Laureate forEnvironmental Achievement in 2010
Michael J. Aziz
Harvard University, USA
PhD: Harvard University, USA (1983)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2019
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Honor: Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry in2011
Menachem Elimelech
Rice University, USA, and Yale University,USA
PhD: Johns Hopkins University, USA (1989)
Honor: Eni Award Laureate in 2015
Demetri Terzopoulos
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
PhD: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA (1984)
Honor: Academy Award Laureate for TechnicalAchievement in 2006
Distinguished Fellow of IETI (DFIETI)
(Ranked in no particular order)
Nicole Immorlica
Microsoft, USA
PhD: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA (2005)
Yi Pan
Shenzhen Polytechnic University, and ChineseAcademy of Sciences
PhD: University of Pittsburgh, USA (1991)
Wolfgang Karl H?rdle
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
PhD: Heidelberg University, Germany (1982)
Mika Sillanp??
University of Johannesburg, and AaltoUniversity, Finland
PhD: Aalto University, Finland (1997)
Shuanggen Jin
Henan Polytechnic University, and ChineseAcademy of Sciences
PhD: Chinese Academy of Sciences (2003)
Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
University of Ottawa, Canada
PhD: Darmstadt University of Technology,Germany (2001)
Rolf Drechsler
University of Bremen, Germany
PhD: Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany(1995)
Christiane M. Herr
Southern University of Science andTechnology
PhD: The University of Hong Kong (2008)
V. R. Singh
National Physical Laboratory of India
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi(1974)
Minvydas Ragulskis
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
PhD: Kaunas University of Technology,Lithuania (1992)
Masahito Hayashi
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen and Nagoya University, Japan
PhD: Kyoto University, Japan (1999)
Fellow of IETI (FIETI)
(Ranked in no particular order)
Paula I Moreira
University of Coimbra, Portugal
PhD: University of Coimbra, Portugal (2007)
Yu-dong Zhang
University of Leicester, UK
PhD: Southeast University (2010)
Daniel Balsalobre Lorente
University of Castilla - La Mancha, Spain
PhD: University of Castilla - La Mancha,Spain
J?rg Robert Osterrieder
Bern University of Applied Sciences,Switzerland, and University of Twente, Netherlands
PhD: Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyZurich (2007)
Andreas Pester
British University in Egypt, and Universityof Applied Sciences Carinthia, Austria
PhD: Kiev State University, Ukraine (1979)
Shahid Alam
Exponent Engineering
PhD: Nagoya University, Japan (1993)
Lester Ingber
Physical Studies Institute, USA
PhD: University of California, San Diego,USA (1967)
Rho Shin Myong
Gyeongsang National University, South Korea
PhD: University of Michigan, USA (1996)
Zhihua Zhang
Shandong University
PhD: University of California, USA (2007)
Massimo Pollifroni
University of Turin, Italy
Bachelor's Degree: University of Turin,Italy
Uriel R. Cukierman
National Technological University ofArgentina
PhD: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina(2022)
Introduction to IETI
As an internationally renowned academicorganization, the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI)brings together many top academic elites. Currently, the institute has morethan 60 laureates of major awards including the Nobel Prize, Turing Prize,Fields Medal, Wolf Prize, Eni Award, Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement,Breakthrough Prize in Science, Pritzker Prize, John Bates Clark Medal,MacArthur Fellowship, and Sloan Award, more than 300 academicians, and morethan 500 fellows of well - known societies (nearly 100 IEEE/ACM Fellows).Starting from engineering and technology, the institute is committed tobalancing and taking into account multiple fields such as natural sciences,engineering sciences, technological sciences, and social sciences. IETI ischaracterized by being non - profit (no membership or fellow fees are charged),international (building a bridge for academic exchanges), high - level (led bytop scientists, academicians, and professors), diversified (covering most majorsand cross - disciplinary fields), and sustainable (efficiently spreadingknowledge and promoting green development). It has attracted many units tocooperate, and its influence covers more than 100 countries and regions.