July 27-28, the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) / International Research Institute of Economics and Management (IRIEM) co-organized the 17th National Conference with international, scientific and informal, of the Mountain Economy Center CE-MONT Vatra Dornei / INCE / Romanian Academy. The meeting is also in collaboration with the National Agency of the Mountain Zone / MADR, the Mountain Forum of Romania, the National Agency for Mountain Rural Development "ROMONTANA", the Research, Innovation Center and Promotion of Wood Silvania, Lunca Ilvei and Vatra Dornei City Hall.

IETI Distinguished Fellow, IRIEM Member,Prof. PhD. Rey Radu, honorary member of Romanian Academy – The Director of CE-MONT, who managed this conference. More than 150 joined / supported this prestigious conference.
The conference got the greeting messages of the personalities who were presented on the official opening of our Conference, respectively:
Acad. Ioan Aurel Pop, President of theRomanian Academy.
PhD. ec. Barbu Florin-Ionut, Minister ofAgriculture and Rural Development
Prof. univ. PhD. Chivu Luminita, GeneralDirector of "Costin C. Kiritescu" National Institute of EconomicResearch, Romanian Academy
Emeritus Prof. PhD Valeriu Tabara, President, Academy ofAgricultural and Forestry Sciences;
Acad. Cristian Hera, former President ofthe Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, formerVice-President/President of the Romanian Academy;
Acad. Ion Paun Otiman, former General Secretary of the Romanian Academy;
Prof. univ. PhD. Vasile Dincu, formerMinister of Regional Development and Public Administration/ Vice-PrimeMinister/ Senator;
PhDr. eng. Petre Daea, former Minister ofAgriculture and Rural Development
Ioan Stan, Senator in the Romanian Senate
PhD. ec. Achim Irimescu, MinisterPlenipotentiary – Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union /former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
PhD.ec. Constantin Bostina, President of the Association for Economic-Social Studies and Forecasts (ASPES);
Mayor of Vatra Dornei, Mr. Ilie Bonches.
Prof. PhD. Rey Radu finally congratulated what the IETI team have achieved academically through the two institutions : International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) and International Research Institute of Economics and Management (IRIEM) and assured full framework in thepartnership with the Mountain Economy Center CE-MONT Vatra Dornei/INCE/Romanian Academy.
IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting (iTDAF) Founding Editor, Prof. Dr. Xiao-Guang Yue and iTDAF Section Editor, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Kaabar joined the conference, and announced that Prof. PhD. Rey Radu is the Advisory Board Member of IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting, with world leading professors.
At the end of the conference (July 28,2023), it was organized and coordinated by Acad. Prof. PhD. Rey Radu, CE-MONT Director a professional tour in "Bazinul Dornelor", and the related details below, and in the attachment. Therefore, the visits within the tour were organized at:
1. The mountain practice center belonging to the "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Life Sciences in Iasi (Plaiul Sarului, Bazinul Dornelor);
2. Cheese factory "mountainproducts" Neagra Sarului - private entrepreneurship.
3. Agritourism guesthouse "Casa Brazilor"- pilot project; Bucovina gastronomic establishment of national reference.
4. Study visit "Valea Bistritei";
5. Place of worship (monastery) - woodenconstruction with local architecture.
6. Pinzgauer breed cows – elite nucleus inRomania, on the way to extinction.
7. Headquarters of the National MountainZone Agency (government institution whose purpose is to apply the strategy andpolicies of the Government in the field of development and protection of mountainareas in Romania, areas marked by specificity, ecologically fragile andeconomically and socially disadvantaged due to natural causes, which require managementspecified) and the Training and Innovation Center for Development in the CarpathianMountains (which trained more than 4000 graduates in the period 1997-2010).
It should be noted that these institutions arethe creation of Prof. PhD. Rey Radu, m.o. AR – Director CE-MONT.
The complete Agenda of conference with allthe papers that were presented bilingually (Romanian/English), during ourconference.
Conference Program:
Invitatie+Program - Conferinta stiintifica CE-MONT - 27-28 iulie 2023.pdf