Jing Sun appointed IETI Australian Society President
IETI Executive Committee Chair appointed Professor Jing Sun as the IETI AustraliaSociety President. The Chair announced Monday that Jing Sun, who has beenserving as an important role in Australia. Australia is very important to theworld's scientific, technological, and medical research. The IETI ExecutiveCommittee Chair believe Jing Sun's appointment as the president of the AustraliaSociety of IETI will promote more academic exchanges and collaborations due toher global eminence in her health research and internationalisation.
JingSun (She/her) is full professor at School of Medicine and Dentistry, GriffithUniversity, Australia. She is also an elected fellow of InternationalEngineering and Technology Institute, accredited statistician of StatisticalSociety of Australia, chair of council of Queensland Chinese Association ofScientists and Engineers, Australia, and vice president of Federation ofChinese Scholars in Australia. Prior to these positions, she was visitingfellow of University of Washington, US, and Research Associate of CapitalInstitute of Pediatrics, Beijing, China. Professor Sun obtained her PhD fromQueensland University of Technology in 2004 and was Postdoctoral Fellow atQueensland University of Technology in 2003-2006.
Professor Sun is a program director of Graduate Diploma of Health Research and convenorof two major biostatistics courses in the Health Group of Griffith University andteach over 200 research students annually with over 3000 students completed thestatistics training. She is currently a principal supervisor for 3 PhDstudents, 8 master of medical research students, and two honours students. Shehas supervised 11 PhD and 40 research master degree students to completion inthe past 16 years.
She leads large scale Chronic Diseases/Mental Illness randomised controlled trialsand cohort studies focusing on the prognosis and treatment of patients withcardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental disorders in the era of effectivelifestyle based rehabilitation in conjunction with clinical-cognitive-behaviouraltherapy. Her other research interests include methodology for aging populationhealth care, public health services research and health care model for COPDpatients, maternal and preterm infants health, and prevention of birth defectresearch. Most of Jing's studies apply science based analytics methods, rangingfrom machine learning, OMICS data analysis, microbiota using S16 sequencingapproach, multi-level analysis, meta-analysis, Bayesian approach, time series, toneuroimaging data for national and global clinical and epidemiological studies.She has published over 260 high impact journal publications including Lancet PublicHealth, Lancet Global Health, The Lancet diabetes & endocrinology.
Professor Sun expressed to the IETI executive committee she will endeavour to promote internationalcollaboration between Australian researchers and IETI internationalcollaborators in science, technology and medical research.