IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety

ISSN 2520-5439

DOI: 10.6722/TES

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Zunjic

2018 Volume 2 Issue 2

Workplace stress of employees in public enforcement offices (full text in pdf)
Žarko Dimitrijević 1,a
Aleksandra Ilić Petković 2,b
1PR public enforcement officer Niš
2University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety
Abstract Employees in Public Enforcement Offices are facing a great amount of workplace stress on a daily basis. Conflict situations regularly arise between public enforcement employees and other participants in the procedure: debtors, creditors and third parties, but also between the employees of other institutions- state bodies and organizations. Public enforcement officers, not only perform their functions with public authority, but at the same time, they are employers, and consequently obliged to take care of workplace health and safety of their employees. The techniques for stress reduction of employees, both during office and field work, are severely limited, but they are nevertheless possible and should be adequately employed and developed. In practice, the most frequent conflict situations between various participants are described and recommendations concerning specific measures are given with the purpose of stress reduction in employees.
Keywords: Stess; public enforcement officers; employees; regulations; occupational safety.