Difference in psychomotor skills while working on tablets PC and smartphones (full text in pdf)
Svetlana Čičević
1, a
Momčilo Dobrodolac
1, b
Aleksandar Trifunović
1, c
Dragan Lazarević
1, d
1 Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract This paper analyzes the differences in psychomotor abilities of users while working on tablet PC and
smartphone. The first set of input data for analysis includes lap times that were obtained through an experiment
in which subjects were tested using the tablet PC and smartphone for playing games Labyrinth 3D Maze, based
on the Android platform. The second group of input data was obtained through the same answers of the
respondents to the questionnaire on spatial abilities - "Santa Barbara". Analysis of obtained results indicates
that the performance achieved are better when using a smartphone compared to the tablet PC, which means that
it is more accurate and faster to control a device of smaller dimensions. In addition, the results of Spearman's
correlation show the link between achievement on the maze test, conducted on a tablet PC with a touch screen,
and results of the questionnaire Santa Barbara. Specifically, respondents who had lower scores on the test maze
have a lower ability to navigate in space.
Keywords: Tablet PC; smartphone; psychomotor skills; spatial ability.