IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety

ISSN 2520-5439

DOI: 10.6722/TES

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Zunjic

2017 Volume 1 Issue 1

Ergonomics for newborns - certain implications and recommendations for parents and designers (full text in pdf)
Aleksandar Zunjic 1, a
1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract This paper represents one of the first studies in the world which is related to the application of Ergonomics in meeting the needs of newborns. Ergonomic research on this subject is very rare. The main reason for this is probably that the infants are a very susceptible and delicate category of respondents. For this reason, researchers are still forced to draw many conclusions in this area on the basis of good and bad examples from practice. This paper presents possibilities and solutions that are based on the application of ergonomic knowledge in order to meet the needs of newborns. Certain ergonomic recommendations for designing rooms for babies, including lighting in the room, thermal comfort, noise, objects in the environment of newborns, as well as for baby strollers have been presented.
Keywords: Ergonomics; newborns; babies; room design; lighting; noise; thermal comfort; toys; baby stroller.