Dr.Yuan Chen serves as an assistant professor atSouthern University of Science and Technology. He obtained his PhD degree fromthe University of Sydney in 2019. From 2019 to 2022, he was an ARC postdoctoralresearch associate at the University of Sydney, focusing his research onmechanism analysis, damage prediction, structural design and advancedmanufacturing, etc. for composite materials and structures. His researchinterests are mostly concentrated on additive manufacturing of compositematerials, design and computational analysis of composite structures,topological and structural optimisation for metamaterials and advancedcomposites, etc., attained a series of significant achievements. As the firstor correspondent author, he has published 34 papers in renowned internationaljournals such as Compos Sci Technol, Compos Part A, etc. and his researchoutcomes have been well recognised and appraised by world-renowned experts,academic institutions, international organisations and so forth - He has been electedas Editor-in-Chief for Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science(Taylor & Francis),EarlyCareer Editorial board member for famous journals of Composites Communicationsand Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Guest Editor for five SCIjournals, Editorial Board Member and Topical advisory panel member for otherSCI journals. Currently, he has been supported by National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, National Key Research & Development Program of China,Guangdong University Key-Area Special Program, Shenzhen Science and TechnologyProgram, etc. and was a national project reviewer for National Science Centre(NCN), Poland. He has won several international awardsand is also a professional member of several renowned academic societiesand organisations, such as senior member of Chinese Society of Theoretical andApplied Mechanics, Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), European MaterialsResearch Society, etc.