Amalia DUTU is a PhD Associate Professor at Faculty of Economic and Law Sciences,Department of Management and Business Administration, University of Pitesti. She currentlyholds the position of Vice-dean responsible for research activity. She has also been working as afreelancer consultant since 2010, and has conducted several consultancy missions regardingInternal Managerial Control Standards in the local public administration in Romania. The mainresearch interests are: market orientation implementation and the extension of the concept withinthe practice of public administration (community participation) and higher educationinstitutions, using customers journey mapping for quality assessment an improving within highereducation institutions; the shifts of individual’ behavior in uncertainty and strategies for copingthe risks generated by economic volatility using a psychological perspective; new customer andemployee profiles - Generation Z.Current
Management Position: Vice-dean responsible for research activity of the Economics andLaw Faculty, University of Pitesti Requirements of the management position: organizing and coordinating of the research activity,planning the research activity and reporting of the research results, organizing research events –conferences and workshops within the Faculty; coordinating the development of the researchapplications for founding the research activity within Faculty.
Teaching activity: Marketing, Marketing Research, International marketing, Marketingprojects, Research methodology.
Research activity: 6 books published by prestigious publishing houses CNCSIS recognized, 3chapters in books, out of which 2 chapters in international books, 1 contract in capacity ofdirector, 10 contracts in capacity of member, more than 80 scientific articles in specializedjournals / scientific communications at international and national conferences.
Consultancy activity: Business development and management
Skills & Competences: having knowledge of marketing and management, developingmarketing strategies, applying the marketing concepts and strategies, conducting the strategicplanning processes, having knowledge regarding the multinational companies marketingstrategies, developing and implementing the market research plan, statistical data analysis using SPSS, final market research drafting, planning and conducting qualitative research, projectmanagement, planning and organizing project management teams and events, conductinginternal audit missions, developing funding applications for European funding competitions